
Team simulation that measures, evaluates, and, trains interpersonal dynamics and skills

  • Givatayim
  • Itay Segal, CEO,

Itay Segal – CEO (B.A in Political Science from BGU M.B.A from TAU). Gal Klapfer – CTO (B.A in Game Design from DigiPen Institute of Technology, Minor in Cognitive Psychology). In addition, we have 2 advisory board members: Naftaly sharir - 30 years of experience, CEO of 3 companies, founder of 5 startups. Neta vizel - Global Organizational consultant, HR executive. Our goal is to standardize the human element in workplace teams. By recording all user inputs: user actions (button press, time taken to perform action), user attention (eye tracking), and voice (tone and volume). The simulation records the inputs for all concurrent users in real-time and uses the data to adjust the required user actions (in real-time and between simulations). tThe simulation tests real-world performance and makes a statistical comparison across the organization and the industry standard. Using this analysis, the simulation trains the team to improve their productivity and dynamics. We did not raise funding.


MVP, Pre-Seed


Human Performance Tech, L&D, SaaS

